Seventh-day Adventist Institution Celebrates a Century of Promoting Health and Spiritual Literature Across India
November 20, 2024 | Benji Stephen | OWPH
The Oriental Watchman Publishing House (OWPH), the only publishing house of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Southern Asia Division, had its centenary celebrations, from November 7-9, 2024. This landmark event marked 100 years of dedicated service in spreading health and spiritual literature throughout India, underscoring OWPH's vital role in the church's mission in India.
A Festive Beginning
The celebrations commenced on November 7, 2024, with a grand book exhibition and open house at the OWPH campus in Pune. The premises was adorned with vibrant floral decorations and lighting, creating a festive atmosphere. A color party march past, led by the Pathfinders added grandeur to the opening ceremony. Dr Measapogu Wilson, General Manager of OWPH, welcomed the gathering, emphasizing the publishing house's enduring mission to spread truth-filled literature and health messages.

Figure 1: Pastor Almir Marroni, Publishing Director, General Conference of SDA; Shri R K Jaibhaye, Post Master General, Pune Region; Pastor Ezras Lakra, President, Southern Asia Division of SDA cutting the ribbon to inaugurate OWPH's centenary celebrations.
The inauguration ceremony was led by Pastor Almir Marroni, Publishing Director of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, USA, and Shri Ramachandra Kisan Jayabhaye, Postmaster General of Pune Region. A special ribbon-cutting ceremony officially opened the centennial celebrations.

Figure 2: Shri Ramachandra Kisan Jayabhaye announced that the India Post Department will release a special cover to commemorate OWPH's centenary, a rare honour bestowed upon the organization.
Shri Jayabhaye announced a significant honor: the India Post Department would release a special commemorative cover to mark OWPH’s milestone, recognizing its century-long contribution to society, he said.
Adding to the festivities, Watchman of Hope, a commemorative souvenir book, highlighting OWPH’s 100-year journey was unveiled. The book delves into the institution's history, achievements, and ongoing commitment to its mission.
In his address, Pastor Marroni reflected on OWPH’s role in spreading the Gospel through print media. “This centenary is a milestone that reflects our unwavering commitment to serving communities with health and spiritual resources,” he noted. The Governor of Maharashtra, Shri C P Radhakrishnan also extended congratulations, lauding the institution’s flagship health magazine, Herald of Health, the oldest of its kind in circulation in India.
Prominent dignitaries present included Pastor Ezras Lakra, President of the Southern Asia Division; Shri T C Benjamin, Former Additional Chief Secretary of the Public Health Department; and Smt Priyadarshini Adams, General Secretary of the Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Minority Wing.
A Legacy of Faith and Literature: The History of Oriental Watchman Publishing House
The Oriental Watchman Publishing House (OWPH) traces its roots to the establishment of the Seventh-day Adventist mission in India in 1895. The first mission, set up at 185 Bow Bazaar Street, Calcutta, was managed by Ellery Robinson, who spearheaded the early efforts. By 1896, the International Tract Society began operating in India, publishing small religious tracts, including the influential pamphlet Can We Be Saved? Later, works such as Ellen G. White’s The Coming of Christ were translated into Bengali to reach a broader audience.
In 1898, William Spicer opened the International Tract Society’s official office, publishing the monthly magazine The Oriental Watchman. With an initial print of 1,500 copies, it became India’s first Adventist publication. Over the years, the publishing work expanded across several locations in Calcutta before relocating to Karmatar in 1905 under W G Quainton's management.
The publishing house moved to its current location in Pune in 1924, solidifying its position as a hub for Adventist literature. OWPH has since grown into a cornerstone of the church’s mission in India, producing books, magazines, and tracts in multiple languages. Its legacy continues as a testament to faith-driven service, reaching millions with health and spiritual messages.
Honoring Legacy and Service
On November 8, the focus shifted to recognizing OWPH’s legacy and honoring its contributors. The day began with the presentation of a report detailing OWPH’s achievements over the decades. The Publishing Department of the Southern Asia Division also highlighted its initiatives to strengthen the church's print ministry.

Figure 3: The ceremony also included a special awards segment to honour OWPH's key past and present administrators and workers for their exceptional contributions.
One of the highlights of the day was the awards ceremony, which honored key past and present administrators and workers for their exceptional service to OWPH. Dr Wilson commended their relentless efforts, stating, “Our administrators and workers have been the driving force behind OWPH's success, exemplifying faith and selfless service.” Pastor Lakra echoed these sentiments and went on to emphasize that, this event was as much a tribute to the past as it is a celebration of the present.
The Western India Union seized the opportunity to unveil new book titles that would be published by OWPH, showcasing the publishing house's commitment to expanding its offerings. Dr Wilson expressed gratitude to all the unions and the Southern Asia Division office for entrusting OWPH with their printing projects.
Bible for India (B4I) Project
The centenary celebrations culminated on November 9, a Sabbath Day, with a series of spiritual programs. The morning began with Sabbath School and a lesson study led by the Publishing Directors. The launch of “B4I” (Bible for India) by Mr Ravi Sighamoney and Elder Wesley James marked a significant step in OWPH's mission. This initiative aims to print and distribute Bibles, expanding access to the Scriptures and fostering spiritual growth within diverse communities across India.
A special litany, thoughtfully compiled by Dr Wilson from the writings of Ellen G White, was read in a responsive manner by the congregation, creating a profound spiritual moment. Pastor Marroni delivered the Sabbath message which was translated into Marathi by Pastor David Autade, for the benefit of the local congregation of over 1,000 members.
The afternoon program featured bhajans performed by the Salisbury Park Marathi Mandir of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and heartfelt testimonies coordinated by Dr Calvin Joshua. A symposium moderated by Pastor Manzoor Massey explored the future of publishing work in the Southern Asia Division. The day concluded with a consecration service led by Pastor Marroni, calling for renewed dedication to the publishing ministry.
Acknowledging the Team Behind the Success of the Event
Dr Wilson expressed profound gratitude to all those who contributed and made the centenary celebration a memorable success. He extended special thanks to Hope TV India for their live coverage and to media outlets for their extensive reporting.
He also acknowledged the tireless efforts of OWPH’s officers, including Pastor Cheluvaraju R., Editor-in-Chief; Mr Ravi Sighamoney, Treasurer; and Mr Vilas Khandagle, Production Manager. Together with the staff, their dedication ensured the event's triumph.
A Century of Service and Vision for the Future
OWPH’s centenary celebration was more than an acknowledgment of the past; it was a reaffirmation of the institution's mission and vision. As Pastor Marroni aptly summarized, “This milestone is a testament to God’s faithfulness and the enduring power of the printed word.”
From its humble beginnings, OWPH has grown into a cornerstone of the Adventist Church’s mission in India. Its publications, including books, tracts, and magazines like Herald of Health, have enriched countless lives with messages of health, hope, and faith.
As the institution steps into its next century, it remains steadfast in its commitment to serving India and beyond. Through initiatives like “B4I” and ongoing innovations in publishing, OWPH aims to continue being a beacon of light, spreading the Gospel and uplifting communities with truth-filled literature.
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