Shepherdess’ Training Program

News March 30, 2023

The Shepherdess Department of Southern Asia Division, under the leadership of Mrs Krupa Victor conducted “A Shepherdess’ Training Program” for pastor’s wives in Nepal Field from March 08-18, 2023, at Dapcha and Udayapur. Around 20 pastors’ wives attended the meetings at Dapcha.


Session 1: Mrs Krupa Victor

Mrs Krupa, in her presentation to the pastors’ wives that were gathered at Dapcha, said a pastor’s wife must come to terms with the fact that she is a prominent figure within the congregation and is often seen as a role model. She told them the importance of the role of a pastor’s wife as a role model, as a hospitable person and as a mentor to the other women in the church.

As a Role Model

The pastor’s wife should be a role model to the members of the church, especially, to the women.  She is to remember at all times that she represents the Lord in all that she says and does.  She should spend much time in prayer and bible study and be an example to the women.  One of the truly remarkable roles of a pastor’s wife is to show a faithful love for the members of the church, always striving to reflect a Christ-like character. Her words should always be graceful and kind.


It is very important for a pastor’s wife to be hospitable, she continued.  She should be willing to open her home to members and visitors without grumbling. She should be able to prepare a quick meal and invite visitors to join for lunch and fellowship cheerfully.

However, hospitality is not always about food, she said. It could just be a warm hello, just a cheerful smile or a genuine concern about people’s welfare. Hospitality is at the heart of Christianity and when you are hospitable you will have many opportunities to witness for Christ.

As A Mentor

She should also be like a mentor to the women in the church her husband serves, as well as to the women in her neighbourhood. A pastor’s wife should be grounded in the principles of the Bible and should impart biblical wisdom, advice and guidance to other women when it is called for. She should mentor women in areas of relationships with their families and management of their household with skill and grace.

Session 2: Mrs Shanti Pokharel

The 2nd session was taken by Mrs Shanti Pokharel, Shepherdess Coordinator, Nepal Field. Her presentation was based on ‘What Is Expected Of A Pastor’s Wife’.  She said, a pastor’s wife is expected to be gentle in her approach, be a good listener, be approachable, kind and ready to help others in need in the church as well as in the community.  Her lifestyle should be in harmony with biblical principles.  She is expected to dress modestly and not attract attention to herself but must attract others to the God she serves, she concluded.

The other activities included teaching them action songs, conducting group discussions and bible quizzes.


At Udayapur too we had similar sessions. Nearly 50 women from different villages around Eastern Nepal attended the meetings and the weekend services. Mrs Krupa Victor presented the Sabbath message.

She spoke to the shepherdess’ about the significant role they play in taking care of the church. She reminded them that their role is vital to the health of the church. A Shepherdess is filling a meaningful and vital role not only in the church but also in the life and ministry of her husband. It is important for her to always remember that hers is a role that only SHE can fill. Conclude  

Every pastor’s wife in attendance pledged to refine her character with God’s help so that she can be a blessing to the members of the church and to her husband in his ministry. 

|Krupa Victor| Shepherdess Coordinator, Southern Asia Division