Martin Mundu | AWR
The New beginning Revival Meeting spanned from March 18-March 24 and took place at the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Sultani located in the state of Punjab. The primary objective of conducting these meetings is to ignite spiritual renewal, rekindle individuals’ commitment to God, awaken a desire to grow spiritually and serve others.
The sermons presented every day, the worship sessions, and prayer meetings all centred around the various facets of spiritual growth and renewing of their commitment to God. Through the week, the attendees were engaged in introspecting and were encouraged to explore Christ’s teachings with greater sincerity and conviction.
Through messages on the divine revelation as recorded in Daniel 2, Signs of Christ’s second coming, The origins of sin and the role of the adversary, the Sabbath, Law and God’s True church that were presented, the understanding of the core theological concepts was deepened and inspired the attendees to continue studying the Bible diligently. There also were meaningful dialogues on the mystery of death, why God allows suffering, and afterlife.
The meetings drew crowds from various segments of the society, including local villagers and urban residents reflecting the broad reach and impact of this event.

Throughout the duration of these meetings around 300 people were in attendance. Meaningful spiritual counselling and prayer sessions resulted in powerful breakthroughs and instances of divine healing. One such instance was of a man who had a condition which caused him to cough up blood who was miraculously healed.
Meaning worship services, witnessing and listening to the testimonies of individuals who experienced healing, and the power packed messages had a profound impact on the faith of the listeners which led to 3 people making a decision for Christ and 1 person asking for further bible studies.
The messages delivered resonated with the attendees and many expressed that these messages were unlike any they had heard before. The fresh perspective presented drew numerous people to the meetings reflecting the relevance and the power of the spiritual truths shared had on them.
The transformative power of the Gospel was vividly presented drawing attendees into a deeper understanding and appreciation of God’s redemptive plan.
The meetings served as a beacon of truth and disseminated essential doctrinal insights to the brethren from different denominations, who attended regularly. Key revelations on various biblical truths prompted them to re-evaluate their beliefs and consider further bible studies.
The attendees expressed a desire that meetings of this nature be conducted regularly stating that these meetings had a profound impact on their spiritual lives. There was a request to conduct similar meetings in a place called Kichiya which is being considered.
The impact was such that even backsliders found themselves being drawn back to the foot of the cross and it sparked a renewed sense of devotion and revival.
Pastor Mohan Bhatti, presently serving as the Associate Secretary, Southern Asia Division, was the speaker for these meetings. He hails from Punjab and has contributed in various aspects including areas of Christian education, radio evangelism, pastoral care and youth empowerment.