Martin Mundu | AWR
On April 29, as we were preparing for the meetings, there was a heavy storm, and it appeared as if inclement weather conditions were going to hinder the Lord’s work. Many prayers were offered for these meetings and sure enough Mr Shrikanth and his team experienced a miracle. The raging storm, strong breeze, and heavy rain subsided and the meetings went on as planned. God calmed the storm
Though extreme conditions were predicted, it did not keep people from attending in fact, more and more people attended the meetings as days went by. The Lord works in marvellous ways when we invite His presence amongst us and are on His business.

I am sure there was great rejoicing in Heaven as it was here, when 9 participants who worshipped on Sunday all their lives, accepted the Sabbath message. Change is never easy but they were convinced of the Sabbath truth and decided to follow Jesus all the way by keeping the 7th day Sabbath Holy, as long as they lived.
The Lord worked in amazing ways throughout this series. Not only did the Lord calm the storm but He also miraculously opened a way for Mr Shrikanth to conduct counselling sessions in a few government schools.

There was a renewed sense of eagerness amongst the people to understand more thoroughly the Ministry of Christ through the present truth messages. A desire to build a relationship with Christ and experience His power was awakened. It was heartening to witness many young people showing great interest to deepen their knowledge of the core beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventists and the present unadulterated truths prompting many to make a decision for Christ.
When the call was made to be part of the “I Will Go” initiative and make a commitment to actively be engaged in evangelism by sharing the redemption story with others in their area it was exciting to see more than 30 people pledge to carry forward the mission of the Church.
The fervent prayers of many prayer warriors led to the successful completion of this mission. There was clear evidence of the Holy Spirit working on the hearts of attendees as more than 45 people gave their hearts to Christ.
The AWR teams will be actively involved in the follow-up and nurture of these newly accepted members of the church.